Thursday, January 25, 2018

We The PEEPLE #1

Redwingz: It's about time we raise damn flag called MERICA! 

BlueToothz: Here we go again. 

PuppetMas: They took our sex dolls man! Our sex dolls are everything we gots in this world and I love my sex doll. 

BlueToothz: We just going to trend with the world? 

Redwingz: I got the greatest idea guys. I think we should boot all the Mexicans! 

BlueToothz: Man there you go with that bullshit again. 

Redwingz: Then we ship all the dreamerz to the moon. 

PuppetMas: Nobody wants to read that crap man. Okay I was fucking this bitch so good the other day when she looked back at me when I was doing her doggystyle she gave me a wink bruhz. 

BlueToothz: This stupid ass wall is way too much and ridiclious! We should be building roads and repairing our structures! 

Redwingz: They took our jobs for one thing. They took our houses and they took our social secruity. 

BlueToothz: I don't think you know what you are talking about. 

Redwingz: There you go again with that bullshit of not me knowing what I am talking about dammit. I am talking about they took our damn jobs! Them sand people crash planes and the shit is a mess. 

BlueToothz: Wait a minute...what? 

Redwingz: The damn system is a mess that damn Obama messed up everything now you have a million people from shithole countries in the place taking up all our food from wal-mart. 

BlueToothz: I don't even know if you even in touched with realty anymore bruh. 

PuppetMas: GUYZ! LISTEN! I had her moaning so bad and I was just like hey! Let's call your mother! and Guess what guys her fucking mom came and OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I had the time of my life. 

Redwingz: Its these damn dreamerz taking all our jobs them damn shitholes send about 24 of their family members over here and a bunch of camels and that damn wall better be up by next year. 

BlueToothz: You didn't read anything on East Germany or West Germany huh? 

Redwingz: What the hell you talking about Nazi's for. 

BlueToothz: No! You know what nevermind. 

Redwingz: Damn them nazis! You calling me a NAZI? Just because I wanna build a wall and kick all the damn dreamerz out don't mean I aint racist! 

BlueToothz: Wait what? 

PuppetMas: GUYZ! FOR REAL! Can we talk about something else like women. 

Redwingz: I ain't racist! 

BlueToothz: I never said you were racist? 

Redwingz: I AINT FUCKING RACIST OKAY! I eat my damn popcorn and I watch jeopardy!

BlueToothz: Okay? Well do you get any of the questions right atleast?


BlueToothz: Oh come on!



Mike Bayz Turtlez

Ralphy : Did you read this stupid script?  Donny : I like the new script!  Leoy : I think it's radical dude!  Mikey : Yeah dud...